Saturday, July 30, 2011

What's up...

We've been busy.  Just exploring Folsom and enjoying the amenities of our apartment.  We have been swimming almost everyday.  The kids have gone from not being very good swimmers to totally independent.  Lily and Alex use floaties but they both are really good.  I hear "Mom, can we go swimming?" everyday.

We have checked out the local farmers market and enjoyed all of the fresh fruit and nuts.  I can tell a difference between the refrigerated truck fruit and fresh from the tree.  When I eat fresh fruit it reminds me of home and picking nectarines, peaches, cherries, etc.  right from the tree.

Last Sunday we went for a walk along one of the bridges along the American River.  I can't get enough of the American might get tired of my pictures.  I just thought it was beautiful and the sun was just going down which made the river sparkle.  It was a nice evening.

Lily in her messiness.

We bought Sarah and Alex their soccer uniforms and Alex put his on when we got home and didn't want to take it he slept in it.  Pretty cute little boy.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Folsom Zoo and Santa Cruz

 This past week we went exploring and found the Folsom Zoo.  The kids loved it.  We looked at lots of rescued animals.  Mommy liked the chickens and Bears the best.  Sarah loved the monkeys and Alex and Lily liked every thing!

 On Saturday we drove down to Santa Cruz Beach.  It was perfect weather and nice to be together.  The kids loved playing and digging in the sand.  Sarah loved playing in the water.  Lily and Alex got a little wet and very sandy.  They had sand everywhere.  Luckily there were outdoor showers and we brought clothes for them to change into.

We enjoyed a late lunch on the pier (yummy seafood) and then cleaned up and drove home.  It was a very fun day.  We love California so far.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finally in Folsom

The house is all packed up and we are finally in Folsom.  The plane ride went really well.  No problems from the kids they were all great and had a fun adventure flying for 4 hours.  We love our new apartment here.  It is so nice to finally be together again.

We have been swimming and going for walks.  The kids are very interested in the new plants that are around us.  On our walks they ask lots of questions and point out all of the different looking plants.  Alex loves all of the roses, Lily loves the Palm trees and Sarah is really interested in the fruit trees and Redwoods.  It is fun and exciting to see so many new things. 

The people here are as friendly as in Minnesota.  I love that.  Our ward is really nice with LOTS of little kids. Two nurseries and nice big classes.  Our ward house is right next to the temple. It was weird to walk to the temple after church and show it to the kids. 

More updates later.  Here are some pictures of our adventures over the past week.