Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lily Turns 4!

We celebrated Lily's 4th Birthday this week.  Mommy took some pictures of her on her last day being 3 years old.  She looked really cute in her new birthday clothes.  Mommy bought her an outfit and Oma sent some money for a new outfit, so Lily got to pick out some cute clothes at the store and then have a photoshoot.  Mommy had to keep giving Lily Dove chocolates so she would cooperate and not make silly faces.  They turned out really cute.

On Friday night, when Daddy got home from work, we celebrated her birthday.  We had Strawberry cake, a cupcake pinata, and opened presents.  Lily's birthday cake was made from fresh pureed strawberries.  It turned out so good and moist. We all loved it! Especially Lily who didn't even want to use utensils at first.  Alex was so excited to give Lily her present he got for her.  He had been planning it out for a month to get her Lego Friends (Girl Lego's).  Alex and Sarah had gone the night before to get her presents with Dad.  Sarah got Lily two Littlest Petshop animals.  Lily was so happy with her presents she gave each person a hug afterward and said "thanks" after each present.   It was a fun night.  We love our Lily so much.  She is such a cute kid.  She is a great helper.  Mommy loves having her at home with her during the day.  They get to do lots of fun things together.  Just the two of them.