Sunday, October 23, 2011

October Doings...

This past Saturday Daddy ran a half marathon.  We didn't get to see it because Sarah and Alex had soccer games.  We dropped him off and wished him luck...then picked him up 2 hours later and found out he had gotten 2nd place.  We wished we could have seen it, but we can't do everything on Saturdays.  :)
After our soccer games we went for a swim.  The weather has been wonderful.  It still feels like fall as the leaves are changing, but we have a nice warm day every once and a while to enjoy the pool.

We are still waiting on the house we have an offer on.  We got an automated message this past Friday that they will we evaluating it and we should hear back shortly.  We are trying hard to be patient.  We might not get it...which is the gamble of short sales.  But, we feel good about our efforts in house hunting and know that something will work out. 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sleeping Princess

Sunday's are hard work when you are 2 1/2 yrs old.